
The Radiology Center offers a wide range of state-of-the-art examinations for the entire human body.
To make it easier for you to find them, we have grouped them by body region as well as by technology.

Body regions


Medical services


Medical reports and images can be downloaded or viewed by patients and referring physicians after patient consent.

Breast Assessment
(„Breast Care Center“)

The Radiology Center has been caring for patients with unclear or suspicious breast findings (breast cancer or fibroadenoma …) for many years. Within a few days, we give you clarity about your state of health and offer a holistic service: state-of-the-art technology with innovative imaging methods at the cutting edge of medicine as well as individual and seamless care. We are there for you from the very beginning: clarification of female breast diseases, direct contact point and assessment in case of unclear mammography findings (BIRADS 0), consultation and clarification in case of suspected breast cancer (BIRADS 4 and BIRADS 5), image-guided needle biopsy.

Tumor board

Tumor boards are held weekly at the Radiology Center, where several physicians from different specialties determine the best possible therapy for each individual patient. At these conferences, the health status and treatment options of each cancer patient at each facility are discussed and then a treatment plan is jointly developed. This ensures that each patient’s care is coordinated in the best possible way and that each patient is treated according to the latest knowledge.

Thyroid care center

Within the Radiology Center, there is a nuclear medicine thyroid care center for the care of patients with thyroid diseases or for the clarification of thyroid nodules, including ultrasound-directed fine needle puncture of the thyroid gland, and also for the follow-up care of patients with thyroid cancer. Early diagnosis and therapy allow a good prognosis in thyroid cancer. In the event of an abnormal finding, we ensure a clear and reliable diagnosis within a few hours or days using the latest technology and established cutting-edge medicine. We accompany you from suspicion to diagnosis and, if necessary, to therapy and follow-up: clarification of unclear palpation or sonography findings, scintigraphy, thyroid laboratory, fine needle biopsy, thyroid nodule suspected of being cancerous, radioiodine therapy, iodine 123 whole-body scintigraphy after rhTSH stimulation, F18-FDG PET/CT.