
The female breast is a sensitive organ, breast cancer screening is recommended annually or every 2 years from the age of 40 (with mammography and sonography). Nearly one in 10 women will develop breast cancer once in their lifetime. Due to modern diagnostic methods and modern treatment options, breast cancer is no longer the leading cause of death in women( Breast Care Center).

Radiology Center - Patient is called for an X-ray

In breast examinations of young women or in the diagnosis of cysts, sonography is often used as the sole examination. Furthermore, it represents an important complement to every mammography and a first-choice method for examinations between planned mammographies.

As a rule, Mammography should be performed involving the patient and the treating physician.

MR mammography can also be used to diagnose complications after breast implants (rupture of the implant, etc.). In most cases, the use of contrast agents (gadolinium) is needed to differentiate between healthy and diseased tissue.

Another method is Sonography, ultrasonic examination. Here, however, the accuracy depends on the breast density and the so-called microcalcification cannot be detected, which in some cases indicates a surface carcinoma in the milk ducts.

We advise every woman to examine her own breast regularly by palpation in the period between mammograms.

The following examinations are advised for breast pain:

  • Palpation of the breast
  • Blood test
  • Gynecological examination
  • X-ray
  • Mammography

After menstruation, the breast should be palpated once a month in the form of a self-examination.

Breast pain can be symptoms of the following diseases:

  • Abscess
  • Breast inflammation
  • Breast cancer
  • Mastopathy